I have watched fellow students in yoga classes over the years get discouraged because the class was too challenging for them for one reason or another.
I have talked with many people who are determined that yoga is not for them due to their size, flexibility level, injury or age.
I know there is a need for a class that allows beginner students to feel at home. Where they gain a deeper understanding of what yoga is and how it can be beneficial to them no matter what their shape, flexibility level, injury or age.
I hope to share the gift of yoga by welcoming my community, family and friends into body awareness through simple dynamic movements to build trust and listen to how the body responds and heals.
Today, yoga to me is flexibility – both mental and physical, strength building, working with my breath, being mindful, body awareness, and most importantly a form of self care and love.
I started practicing yoga in my early twenties, from VCR tapes to memorizing yoga routines from books. I fell in love with the way it made me feel. Since then, I have always searched for a way to practice yoga.
I have not always been consistent with my practice. I have faced the challenges of not having many yoga studios near my home or the difficulty of finding classes that fit into my schedule. But I always find myself turning back to the movements, every time I need them, for flexibility, to remedy aches and pains, and to clear out my mind and ground myself from the stress of every day life that surrounds me.
My intention for completing yoga teacher training has been to gain knowledge about the movements, the positive changes the movements have on the body, and the connection between the movements, the mind, the breath and how it all works together.
I am still learning too, but love to share things as I discover them.
I am a a truehearted wife, an overly anxious mother to my son, a constant learner with great appreciation for my nuclear family, a loyal companion to a small sprinkle of animaniacs, and a full time corporate employee.